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FAIRsharing at RSECon23

FAIRsharing Attended the Seventh Annual Conference for Research Software Engineering, held at Swansea University

Prakhyat Gailani RSE23 Poster

Adapted from an original article on the FAIRsharing Blog

Two members of our FAIRsharing team attended RSECon23, the seventh annual conference for Research Software Engineering, held at Swansea University’s Bay Campus.

As well as attending a variety of interesting panels and presentations (including enlightening discussions on both security and disability) we were also able to gain some valuable feedback related to our FAIRsharing Assistant, and our technical coordinator was interviewed on this topic for the Code for Thought podcast.

Web developer Prakhyat Gailani designed our poster, and had these comments about the event:

From being a first-time attendee in RSE-2022 to being a part of the committee in RSE-2023 as website co-chair in my second RSE conference was a great experience for me. The good part of the conference was also being a first-time poster presenter for FAIRassistant and getting the opportunity to discuss the new FAIRsharing application and how this can help researchers in their research.
I had several interesting conversations, especially in the unconferencing sessions about Cybersecurity and it’s importance in the field of research. The community was welcoming and Swansea itself made for a nice venue and view too. I am looking forward to the next one RSE24 in Newcastle again and hoping to give a talk this time!

We look forward to attending this event again! The FAIRsharing team. 

FAIRsharing is a curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies. The  operational team is based in the Data Readiness Group at Oxford e-Research Centre.