Using AND between your search terms narrows your search as it instructs the database that all your search terms must appear (in any order).
For example, Engineering science AND Robotics
Oxford e-Research Centre
Director, Oxford e-Research Centre
Departmental Lecturer
Associate Head of Department (Research)
Professor of Scientific Visualisation
Professor of e-Research
Professor of Language Modelling
Associate Professor
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for People and Digital
Professor of Informatics
Senior Researcher
Group Coordinator and Co-Investigator
PDRA, Mini TESA Holywell House / Oxford e-Research Centre
Research Associate
Postdoctoral Researcher
Senior Researcher, Digital Humanities
Senior Research Software Engineer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Software Engineer
Web Developer
Emeritus Professor of Classical Art, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Knowledge Engineer
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Technical Project Lead
DPhil Candidate
DPhil Student
DPhil student
Administrative Assistant
PA to the Department Head of Finance and Administration
Technical Communications, Events and Administration Officer
Oxford e-Research Centre Administrator
Visiting Researcher
Academic Visitor
Visiting Student
Visiting Professor