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Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School returns in 2024

Places still available on the two online strands

The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) offers insights, inspiration, and training to anyone with an interest in the Digital Humanities, including academics, students, project managers, people in IT, libraries, archives, cultural heritage, and related industries.

In 2024 we will be holding the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School at St Anne's College and online, allowing participants to engage with Digital Humanities experts on a range of stimulating topics.

The Summer School will run from Monday 12 August to Friday 16 August.

While in-person places have now sold out, places are still available on the two online strands; AI and Creative Technology, and; Digital Scholarship in the Library. Further information about the online strands and a link to register is available on the Summer School’s event pages.


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