JADE Day 2023
Worcester College, Oxford, OX1 2HB
jadehpc@eng.ox.ac.ukDate & Time
Friday 29 Sep 2023 -
The first JADE Day is a national event for all JADE users from across the 20-partner consortium. The event will take place at Worcester College on Friday 29 September 2023.
The Joint Academic Data Science Endeavour (JADE) is an EPSRC funded Tier 2 facility supporting world-leading research in machine learning. The JADE consortium supports over 500 users, including students, Research Software Engineers, Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators working on cutting-edge research in Artificial intelligence and machine learning, along with Biosimulation through HecBioSim.
JADE Day will be the first opportunity for all users to meet in person. It will give attendees the opportunity to share and discuss their work amongst peers and to discover the new innovative research being carried out by the JADE community.
The event will include presentations from speakers in academic research, industry, as well as JADE service partners at the Hartree Centre.
JADE Day will also have breakout sessions for students, Research Software Engineers, and Principal investigators to discuss experiences, challenges, efficient ways of working, individual projects, best practice and more.
The event will conclude with a networking session and drinks reception. JADE day will feature a poster competition, with a winner being announced at the drinks reception