Enriching Exhibitions Scholarship Symposium: Working with Collections Data for Discoverability Online
Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street Oxford OX1 2PH
Date & Time
Wednesday 07 Feb 2024 13:30 - 20:00
Join us to hear about the latest research findings from the project ‘Enriching Exhibitions Scholarship: Reconciling Knowledge Graphs and Social Media from Newspaper Articles to Twitter’.
This innovative project applied advanced computational techniques, such as text mining and machine learning, to enrich linked data records with information relating to museum exhibitions and map connections between collections around the world to make cultural knowledge more accessible to scholars, artists and the public.
The project was generously funded by the AHRC/NEH New Directions for Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions programme, supporting US-UK collaboration, involving partners from the Universities of Edinburgh, Yale and Oxford, including the Ashmolean Museum.
We are delighted to showcase additional cutting-edge research and tools by guest speakers, including digital collection specialists and early career researchers, who will address technical approaches to working with collections data to evolve the discoverability of collections.
The symposium aims to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, discussion and networking and is designed for heritage professionals and researchers working in the area of digital collections or digital humanities.
Please note that this is an in-person only event, to provide the ideal environment for in-person engagement and discussion.
This event is kindly supported by Digital Scholarship @ Oxford.