Oxford e-Research Centre | Research Groups - Scientific Computing Group: People

People in the Scientific Computing Group
DPhil Students (2020)
DPhil Students (2021)
DPhil Students (2022)
Former Members
Karel Adámek (2015-2019) – PDRA working on SKA and AstroAccelerate
Jan Novotny (2018-2019) – PDRA working on SKA and AstroAccelerate
Cees Carels (2019) – PDRA working on AstroAccelerate
Jamie Farnes (2017-2019) – PDRA working on SKA
Ian Bush (2016-2021) - EPSRC RSE Fellow
Neil Ashton (2015-2017) - Senior Researcher - working on CFD.
Nassim Ouannoughi (2016-2017) - Research Associate - working on DRAGNET
Stef Salvini (2016-2020) - Senior Researcher - working on SKA
Rahim Lakhoo (2016-2017) - Senior Technical Lead - working on SKA
Iain Emsly (2015-2017) - Mentor and then Research Assistant - working on SKA
Sofia Dimoudi (2014-2016) – PDRA - working on AstroAccelerate.
Craig Webb (2014) - PDRA - working on DRAGNET
Chongkai Wang (2020-2021) – MEng - RFI removal using Convolutional Auto Encoders for SKA.
Jack White (2020-2021) – MEng - Analysis of mixed precision convolution sensitivity using the FFT.
Justin Ko (2020-2021) – MEng - Image specific compression using neural networks.
Max Bowman (2020-2021) – MEng - Error corrections for wind turbine monopiles using ANNs.
Joschua Spiedel-Johnson (2020-2021) – MEng - AI/HPC intersection in Radio Astronomy.
Johan Sjöberg (2019-2020) – MEng - Machine learning for cloud masking
Charles Fox (2019-2020) – MEng - Accelerated Pulsar Discrimination Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Chris Miller (2015) – MEng - working on SKA data processing.