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Women in Engineering | Department of Engineering Science | University of Oxford

Women in Engineering members speaking at a Women in STEM event, Oxford Town Hall

Women in Engineering Network

The Department of Engineering Science is committed to advancing women’s education and career prospects in Engineering

The Women in Engineering (WiE) network was established in 2012 with the goal of fostering a supportive community for women engineers across various disciplines such as civil, mechanical, biomedical, electrical, and more. Our vision includes organizing engaging and inspiring events like the Lunch & Learn series, movie nights, and panel discussions on topics of importance such as leadership and promoting gender diversity in academia and industries.

Additionally, we aim to empower more girls to pursue engineering through outreach initiatives and collaborations with other platforms promoting women in technical fields. In the future, we hope to introduce mentorship programs to provide students with role models, which is crucial for changing perspectives and breaking stereotypes.

Three students in lab coats looking at a machine

Outreach activities

The Department of Engineering Science is committed to encouraging women to study engineering, and to attracting talented undergraduate applicants who reflect the diversity of the UK population.

We have a dynamic and successful Outreach programme, led by our Access & Alumni Officer, designed to explain what engineering is and to encourage more female students to study engineering, particularly at Oxford.

We form and maintain active external links with schools, University colleges and industry to further these aims.